It all started when a few Haitians decided to meet on weekends and holidays to play dominoes, eat, drink, listen to music and engage in lively conversations.

The Haitian Association of Calgary - L’Association de la Communaute Haitienne de Calgary (ACHC) – was formed in August 1997 as a non-profit organization under the Alberta Society Act by a group of Haitians living in Calgary, Alberta. It all started when a few Haitians decided to meet on weekends and holidays to play dominoes, eat, drink, listen to music and engage in lively conversations. Soon after, this small group grew to approximately fifty plus - when you add family and friends … you do the math! Before you know it, activities were occurring on a regular basis.

Due to the positive interaction displayed during these events by this group of Haitians, Deslandes Larrieux saw the need to re-open the Haitian Association and decided to approach a selected few to introduce the idea. After many meetings at each other’s homes, ACHC was created and registered by the following Haitians: Deslandes Larrieux, Elda Harris, Naomie Fevry-Delva, Olibrice Cesaire, Urbain Louissaint and Yvon Thevenin.


Our Mission

The main objectives of the Haitian Association of Calgary are to: Educate the public on the history, art, music, culture and language of Haiti. Become an inspirational source of exceptional team culture for people in Calgary of Haitian descent. Organize and implement social, cultural and educational activities that meet the needs and interests of our members.

notable achievements

  • Acquisition of a building in 2004 used by various community groups. It is available to the public to host meetings and other small functions

  • Annual Haiti Independence Day celebration

  • Donations and Emergency Relief Fund

  • Provision of scholarships annually

  • Weekend and holiday activities

  • We are planning different new programs to meet the needs of our members and our community